New Kalaeloa Raceway Dragstrip: Hawaii Racetrack History

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By John Bond

August 28 Kapolei Makakilo Board #34 Agenda:
2. Board Discussion: Regarding the viability of a racetrack at Kalaeloa property identified in the City Council Resolution 18-265, which was formerly mentioned in City Council Resolution 98-258- (Possible Board Action)

The history of Hawaii race tracks and drag strips has been a sceneof largely ego, arrogance, back stabbing, dirty deals and many failuresafter large investments.This is why Oahu doesn’t have a race trackdrag strip today.

Race tracks, drag strips are being shut down all over the US mainlandbecause of noise pollution laws, rapid area urbanization, changingsocial demographics, raceway deaths, fire and fuel hazards, and ever stricter air and ground water pollution standards.

Currently the Cobian race track drag strip schemers will face all of thesame many hurdles, issues and problems such as finances, insurance, 
sound intrusion studies, environmental impact statement that has draggeddown all of the other mostly failed schemes.

City, State and Federal pollution laws provide ample lawsuit materialfor homeowners who face losing hundreds of thousands in property valuesif a race track drag strip is placed near their homes and businesses.

The Cobian race track drag strip schemers are totally unaware of thetrue Navy to City land transfer agreement stipulations and covenantsand the major environmental, historic military and Hawaiian culturallandscape that includes burial sites and underground karst cavesand waterways.


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